Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality Mini Reviews #2

Part 2! Enjoy!

Where you can buy this bundle:

Airships: Conquer the Skies

In this one you take on missions where you'll build and fly magipunk airships, attacking various targets. A neat thing about this one is that the airships are modular, so you can place rooms / armour / turrets where you like.

Dangerous Duels

A local multiplayer shootout game. For some reason this one ran really quickly on my computer so I couldn't play it properly. It seems like its a real-time tactical game where you move your character around a pre-set grid to outmaneuver the other players.

Time Stone

Very heavily inspired by the LucasArts point and click genre of games. Even the font is the same! The pixel art is neat but there were some very questionable jokes in the ten minutes I played...

East Van EP

Three short visual experiences. More akin to things like 'The Beginners Guide' than more interactive games (these are usually called 'walking simulators' but I've found that term to be less than useful). Very nice graphics and each game has a different ambiance.


An incredibly chill tree growing game. You use your mouse to create Prana orbs which allow you to discover new kinds of trees and expand your vision. Trees you discover you can plant in future playthroughs. The gorgeous artwork makes this game very relaxing.


An RPG Maker game which examines how it feels to be the target of religious prejudices, told through an RPG lens. Control your character while they go on a pilgrimage to find out if the mythical 'developers' are real. A short game but obviously very heartfelt.


A local multiplayer space duelling game. You control your knight using two arrow keys, and always move forward, just like asteroid. It has some really neat sound effects and the art is basic but good.

Spell Casting

A game aimed at children, teaching them to trace shapes and remember them later. Simply move your mouse over the shapes to cast the spell. Incredibly cute with excellent art, although I found it very hard to remember the spells!

Out of this group I had most fun with East Van EP - this type of experience is right up my street and I've found that indy devs produce the best of this genre. My favourite of the three games was Summon the Apgrod - I could listen to the noise the ghosts make all day!

Devtheism is also worth the 15 minutes or so it takes to play, as a different way to read someone's point of view on their relationship with religion.

Autumn is not my kind of game, but it is a good one and if you're after a passive game to play while doing something else you can't go wrong with it.


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