6) A is for... Armello

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

I picked up Armello from a recent Humble Bundle, and I'll admit I bought it because it was described as a 'board / card / dice rolling game' which are words that are always exciting to me.

The plot of the game is simple, and told in some very pretty animated cutscenes. The King of Armello (a lion) has become infected with Rot, which is causing him to both act all evilly and slowly die. Your job is to deal with this situation, and you can do so in a few different ways - these are the win conditions of the game.

First of all the tutorials are really cute, and hand-hold you through the basic mechanics of the game. You move your character around a hex grid, where you can fight rivals and monsters, explore dungeons, and complete quests. I'll admit these mostly sound more interesting than they are - the dungeoneering is basically a dice roll to see what happens, and the questing is just 'go to a place and do a skill challenge'. The combat is slightly more exciting - you can equip items and cast spells to make your character more effective, but ultimately it is just rolling a handful of dice.

Sana, who is the best character being a kickass lady bear

There are four main win conditions - cleanse the King's Rot, let the King die of Rot and be the most prestigious when this happens, kill the King and take his place or kill the King and take his place, whilst being more corrupted with Rot than he is. During my hour of play I only got one game finished and I didn't win, mostly down to bad dice rolls on the last turn, but I'm assuming you get a different little cutscene for each ending.

The main downside of this game for me is it's 100% a board game. I'm not against playing board games on the computer, but being a huge nerd I prefer to sit around a chunk of cardboard throwing bits of plastic with pals. This game would work perfectly as a board game and so I can't help but feel cheated that it isn't. A quick Googling tells me that it even started life as a board game - the devs physically made the board and such to test it and *then* wrote the game. Such a waste!

Look at all those dice stacked up, I just wanna get my hands on them >:(

Regardless, it is a really neat little board game, and I could definitely see myself loading it up for a game or two every now and again - there's even a bit of a progression system where you can unlock different bonuses for your heroes. I'm going to put this in the GG folder, and hope I'll find time to play a round or two again.


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