18) C is for... Craft the World

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rule: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

We've owned this game since beta, and I remember putting many many hours into it when we first got it. In fact, when I loaded the game up initially, the game couldn't recognise huge chunks of itself, and I had to reinstall it.

Big mood there, game. I feel ya.

Craft the World was released in 2014, but as it has a really nice 2D cartoony style it doesn't seem dated at all. It's somewhere between Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress and Terraria - the aim is to build a Dwarven colony in a hostile land by digging and chopping up resources. It has a really neat and easy to understand tech progression (with a tech tree...mmmmm....) and an easy to use interface. I did notice the Dwarves are incredibly bad at working out how to do what you've asked them - they quite often built themselves into a corner, got stuck, or blocked off resources.

Bad AI - feature or bug?

The game has a pretty neat difficulty curve - It's open about what you need to do next (giving you journal entries to follow), without holding your hand. It's not an easy game by any means though - even in my hour of play I had to restart once, as the monster difficulty outstripped the speed I was upgrading my tech.

The day/night cycle is what you'd expect - you only get mundane monsters (like goblins) in the day, but every night a hoard of powerful undead attack. My distant memory is telling me that when you progress far enough in the first world, you then go on to populate other worlds, finding new enemies and challenges. It's a neat concept that keeps the game fresh.

 I'm pretty sure one of the Dwarves' gibberish warcries is 'get in my turd!' 

It's pretty obvious -  I like this game. Everyone has their genre of game to relax to (I'm looking at you, map game enthusiasts), and this is mine. Although more stressful than a lot of its peers due to the ever escalating threat, Craft the World has clearer goals than games like Minecraft, and for that it is a GG.


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