30) E is for... Elven Legacy Siege

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

Elven Legacy Siege is the third, and most importantly, the final expansion pack for Elven Legacy. I'm seriously hoping there earn't any more games that list their expansions on Steam like this.

Anyway, Elven Legacy Siege has the most incomprehensible plot so far. It doesn't have any cut-scenes to help you along either. In fairness to it, I think by this point the game assumes you're a huge Elven Legacy Deep Lore fan, and are incredibly invested in Mirralia, Ticsus and the other fantasy-named places of the setting. The one thing I did pick up on was that the protagonist, Adrian, has a plan to defeat the undead enemies by killing them so hard they are un-ressurectable. Which is pretty rad.

This is the plot, my brain just could not process it. Apologies for the potato quality phone photo - I didn't want to risk this one crashing my computer again.

Again there are no game-play additions that I could see, although Siege does seem to focus more on armies, which was a nice change of pace from the hero based combat in Ranger and Magic. It also seemed easier - for full disclosure, I'll admit I've been playing these expansions on Easy mode, as I am terrible at them. Both Magic and Ranger still kicked my butt, but I sailed through Siege's first few levels.

I won't bore you with more game-play shots so enjoy this image of a Dwarf thinking about what he's going to cook for tea.

Having played all three Elven Legacy expansions, I feel I need to make some kind of rudimentary ranking system for them (because that's just how my brain works) so here it is:

Game-play Winner: Siege

With a focus on multiple units and seemingly better balanced, Siege is the expansion which kept me engaged the longest.

Story Winner: Magic

The way the game was written as being a journal of a Master Chronicler was pretty interesting. Plus I kind of understood the plot set up, which I can't really say for the other two games.

Tie-Breaker - Best Main Character Winner: Siege

Adrian wants to punch the undead so hard they finally achieve true death. That's something I can get behind.

So, out of the three I preferred Siege, although honestly the expansions and the main game are incredibly similar, as none of the expansions add any new gameplay elements (that I could detect). So going by that, Siege is another GGWP.


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