29) E is for... Elven Legacy Ranger

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

The second of three expansion packs for Elven Legacy, which for some reason have been listed as separate games on Steam. I feel like one of the devs from Paradox had a time machine and a grudge against me. Although to be fair I've felt like that since the early 'C's' of my challenge.

Elven Legacy Ranger doesn't even do me the favour of having a cut scene to watch. It dumps you straight into the action, with a plot about Elves taking a magic spear somewhere for reasons. I guess if you're an Elven Legacy lore fanatic ( known as 'El-Legnics'), then you'd know why all of this is significant. However, despite having now sunk three hours of my life into these games, I still very rarely make it past the first level or so. I'm as lost as you are.

Does holding a dagger backwards like this even work?

Again, this one seems to be more focused on a single hero, but without the interesting narrative framing of Elven Legacy Magic. The quest in the first level was frustrating, as it required you to hunt down some wolves. 'Why was this frustrating?' my one reader asks. Well, whenever you do a significant amount of damage to a unit, it runs away. Which meant I spent my time Benny Hilling after two wolves.

I may have used this screenshot before. At this point it's blurred into one.

I was so tempted to mark this as a BG, but honestly, it's not. It seems the weakest of the Elven Legacy games I've played so far, but if you're into it, then it's fine. GGWP.


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