28) E is for... Elven Legacy: Magic

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

Elven Legacy: Magic is another campaign for Elven Legacy. Sadly, Steam lists it as a separate game so to be strictly true to my challenge I'm going to have to play it. And its two extra campaign friends...

This is the front cover for this campaign.

The game plays exactly the same as Elven Legacy, although this particular campaign seems more hero based - at least in the first mission I didn't recruit any other units. The hex-grid etc. is back, although I did discover (after dying to the first mission on easy mode three or four times) that there's a rest button that lets your hero recuperate their health. I'm not sure if this was in the original game (and I'm not going to check, sorry!).

The plot for this campaign seems way more interesting - for some lore reason, magic has gotten all tainted Wheel of Time style, and wizards are going insane, destroying stuff willy nilly (Wheel of Time style). This lead to magic being outlawed, and a group called the Inquisitors are going around performing special prayers that rid wizards of their magic. This doesn't cure the wizards madness though.

The beginning cut scene shows a magical Elven tower falling down, but I'm not sure of the relevance of this because when I got to the level select screen, I could choose Elves or Dwarves. Obviously Dwarves are way cooler.

This should have been the front cover, check out how badass this Dwarf dude is

The rest is largely the same as original Elven Legacy. The text wasn't translated as well as the original, with phrases like 'You have the new quest!' floating around. The plot (for the Dwarves at least) is described by a Dwarven Chronicler which gives a more interesting feel to the game, as they mention the things you do as if the Chronicler were reading them from a journal after the fact.

All Dwarves have a collection of magical blue flying forks

You will, however, notice the bar below only says '30 minutes played'. Well, when I alt-tabbed to grab screenshots, the game crashed. In fact, it crashed my computer to the point where I had to reset it. Then it crashed Steam to the point where I've had to re-install all of Steam. All my games, everything. So I'm counting that 45 mins of tech support towards this games playtime. With no hard feelings for all that hassle, Elven Legacy: Magic gets the same rating as its predecessor - GGWP.


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