26) E is for... Eldritch

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

I just cannot play horror games. I wasn't super worried about having to play any scary games during this challenge, as I'm the wimpiest person in the world when it comes to terror so I never buy them. So why is this game on my Steam list!?

Eldritch is a first person exploration game, set over a few worlds inspired by the Lovecraft Mythos. You start off in a creepy library and progress to a creepy temple and then a creepy temple. There's definitely more levels than that but that's as far as I got.

I'd be annoyed too if some rando came through a magic book and took all my artifacts

The aim of the game is to find your way to the exit of each level, and when you've cleared enough levels you'll find the soul of an elder god, which enables you to unlock the next area. Of course there are all manner of eldritch horrors lurking, trying to stop you from reaching your goal. They range from adorable (the fishmen who make a huh? noise when you encounter them), to startling (the cute little white snecko who then turns and *screams* at you) to terrifying (those statues in the second area - don't turn your back on them...)

I'm watching you (otherwise you'll murderise me)

The actual mechanics of the game are very simple - you really have to draw a parallel to Minecraft as the combat and graphics very closely mirror it. The levels are procedurally generated, but done in such a way that every level just feels a little off - it's a very neat effect. The sound is fantastic, especially the music which is incredibly eerie and is the main thing that builds the great atmosphere of this game.

So I really don't like horror games, and this is a horror game. I really like this game. GG


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