20) C is for... Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rule: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

Another day, another Paradox game. Crusader: Thy Kingdom Come is a RTS in the vein of the Total War games. Its plot is probably as historically uninteresting as the other kinds of games in the genre, but I accidentally knocked the mouse button during the intro cutscene so who knows? It might be a masterpiece?

Anyway, because I skipped the intro here's what I think the plot is - the King of Hastings had a vision, which told him that lions are the raddest creatures ever, and he should journey around Maplandia showing everyone giant pictures of lions. Sadly, not everyone agrees that lions are the best, and so war is declared.

Show off those lions, lions are great

Truth be told, the game itself isn't too bad. There's a simple upgrade system for your troops, and a level up system for your leaders. The game has a neat mechanic which lets you select your own side quests - completing these grant you extra units and relics. You can also choose which faction you're going to fight for in the coming battle, which unlocks favour with said faction.

The graphics are fine, although to me these types of games are uninteresting rectangles standing near other rectangles until one of the rectangles disappears. It does have weirdly well textured water for its age, which was particularly jarring as the game suffers from weird draw distance problems even on the highest settings, making everything in the distance look like giant menhirs from Carcosa.

It will take this unit 10 real time minutes to cross this screen

The music was OK, although there was only one looping track which initially sounds generically medieval, but then meanders into something that wouldn't sound out of place in a modern hospital drama.

Overall though, Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come is fine. It's an alright member of its genre, and although I was bored to tears during my one hour with it, people who like this kind of game would get along OK. So in the interest of fairness, I'm going to say this game is GGWP (good game wont play).


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