17) C is for... Commander: Conquest of the Americas

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rule: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

Ahh, I remember that day well. It was the first Steam Sale I actually had some money for, and I wanted to get in on those sweet sweet discounts. 'Perhaps I'll just buy the whole Paradox Entertainment pack' I said. 'I really love Mount & Blade, so I reckon I'll love their other games!'.

Thanks, past me. You truly cursed me that night.

My face when I realise my Steam Library is mostly boring map games

Ok, so, Commander: Conquest of the Americas. First of all, it's a game that glorifies colonialism. Not great. I think there are natives on the places you colonize, also not good, but thankfully I didn't get that far - I spent most of my play time trying to work out how to sell wine and watching very pretty ships move at a glacial pace.

Commander: Conquest of the Americas is another one of those build-explore-conquer games. It has real-time strategy elements, rather than a Civilization style turn-based game, although I only experienced the combat by trying the historical battles mode.

If I had £1 for every map game this challenge has made me play, I'd have £8 already...

The game's main thrust is setting up colonies and making loads of money by exploiting the natural resources there. Well I just couldn't figure out how to sort out the trade routes. At one point I thought I had it, but it turns out my one ship had been buying wine from a port, sailing home, then sailing back to the first port and selling the wine at a loss.

In fairness, the game looks really nice - the ships look great and once you have a grasp of it I suspect the UI is helpful and functional. The sound design is also good, although it does have that early noughties RTS habit of having the units acknowledge you after every command you give them.

Just move this image sideways a pixel at a time to simulate the combat in this game

The battles are probably fun if you like that kind of thing, although the ships move so slowly the intense battle music actually made me laugh out loud. There are skills you can use, and there's probably an awful lot of tactics involved?

Sadly though whilst playing this game I started to read a nearby crisp packet, which is just how engaging it was to me. For me, a BG.


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