16) C is for... Cities in Motion 2

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

It's been a while! So long in fact, that I've had to change to title of the blog from 'Steam Challenge 2017'. Yikes!

Anyway, what a way to return. Cities in Motion 2. It was released just two years after Cities in Motion 1, and I wonder what advances in bus-simulation technology Paradox made in that time. Could this be the game that makes me love simulation games? How different can it be?

Turns out, it's the same, just boring-er. 

Cities in Motion 2 is another transportation-line simulator, and again I really have to commend it for its details. The game has charts and stats for *everything*. Including how many people fare-dodge on your trains and buses. It's mind-boggling.

When it first loaded up I was looking forward to seeing the art. Cities in Motion 1 had a nice bright style which somewhat offset the dullness of its game play. Sadly, Cities in Motion 2 is very grey. I didn't really realise just how grey a whole bunch of buildings could be until I saw this game.

You can add colour by zoning things. After I took this screenshot I immediately drew a dong.

The controls are the same as its predecessor, although because of the more realistic graphics I found it harder to pinpoint where my buildings and bus stops were. The music in this one is a lot worse too; so much so that I think I'd rather stand in an elevator and listen to that for an hour.

I got through the tutorial and then just found myself instantly fed up. Drawing lines from one red blob to another just doesn't excite me (maybe because I've played any other game in existence). Aside from that, you're really just building transportation for workers to go to and from their soulless jobs, and it just made the game weirdly depressing.

The only upside I found was you could build your bus depots wherever you like, including using them to replace skyscrapers. I did this by accident and a little library spawned where the skyscraper had been. This was the one time I felt like I made a positive change to the little world of Tutorial City. Sorry, transport fans, but this is a BG.


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