15) C is for... Cities in Motion

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

This is another game we somehow managed to buy when we got the 'Paradox Entertainment Pack'. I really can't remember why we bought that pack, as I (in general) absolutely hate simulation games.

So, Cities in Motion is a simulation game. I was expecting it to be a SimCity clone, and in a way it is - if you stripped out all of the city design, that is. This game doesn't allow you to build cities, no, it literally just allows you to build a city's transport infrastructure.

The entire game is drawing lines for routes from one place to another. To give the game its due, it goes pretty in depth in it's field. You have to consider routes for workers travelling to their place of employment, tourists to entertainment spots, etc, and there's a good amount of economical management which is a staple of these types of games.

Action shot

The controls, particularly the tram / train track building were a little finicky, but other than that the game's pretty easy to play. The art is nice, the music is soothing and the tutorial is very informative. It's just, I can't think of a more boring subject matter then planning bus routes.

The art's pretty nice

There must be some people in the world who would find this game to be the height of fun, and more power to them. It reminds me of when I go into a gaming shop, and I look at the tiny scale models people use for miniature railways. I see models like 'Blue Tarp Covering Late 20th Century Barrel' and I just don't know how to feel. That tarp-covered barrel would be the prize of someone's tiny rail setup or diorama, but...

Anyway, I went off track there (har har), because there's not much more to say. If the idea of making an efficient transportation system in Amsterdam in the year 2000, or Berlin in the 1930's really excites you, then get this game. This will be your tarp-covered barrel. Or maybe Cities in Motion 2 will be (which is the next game I'll be playing). For me it's a BG.


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