13) C is for... Car Mechanic Simulator 2014

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library.
The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order.

Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 is a first person game where you take cars apart and put them back together again, with fixes as appropriate.

I won't lie, I remember buying this game many years ago in a Steam sale. I've got a feeling I bought it at the same time I bought the Paradox Entertainment Pack, which has given (and is going to give) me hours of fun/pain during the course of this challenge.

When you first load this game you're met with super loud electronic music, and an angry sounding revving engine - the kind of noises that make you cringe when you hear them blasting past you in the street. Also an ad for Car Mechanic Simulator 2015, which made me smile a bit. I wonder what improvements there are between versions? The music in this game is OK, but seemed to be the sort of music that was bad at helping you concentrate, like dubstep and heavy metal. It all seemed so loud. Or maybe I'm getting old? Anyway, you could switch it off so it wasn't a huge problem (using the radio sat on your toolbox, which I thought was a cute touch).

I think this is who you play as, but you never see his kind-of-smug face

The tutorial teaches you how to move, turn the radio on, buy parts, and check if a part is good or bad. That's it. The first challenge you're given beyond the tutorial is to replace an oil filter, an air filter and a fuel filter. I have absolutely no idea where these things live, so ended up taking the whole engine apart, and dumped oil all over the floor looking for the fuel filter. It's on the back, where the fuel goes in.

The aureolin gravingle repeater spring is an integral part of any motor

That's pretty much the make or break of the game really. Would you enjoy taking a car apart and then trying to remember which bit goes where? Do you enjoy buying the entirely wrong part because you don't know the difference between a clutch release bearing and a clutch friction plate? Is it fun watching a car go up and down a whole bunch of times because you can't work out where your ghostly avatar needs to stand to be able to reach the tiny screw you're trying to replace?

Turns out that, yes, I really enjoy those things! Judge me if you will, but Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 is a good game, and will join its friends in my GG folder.


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