15) C is for... Cities in Motion

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library. The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order. This is another game we somehow managed to buy when we got the 'Paradox Entertainment Pack'. I really can't remember why we bought that pack, as I (in general) absolutely hate simulation games. So, Cities in Motion is a simulation game. I was expecting it to be a SimCity clone, and in a way it is - if you stripped out all of the city design, that is. This game doesn't allow you to build cities, no, it literally just allows you to build a city's transport infrastructure. The entire game is drawing lines for routes from one place to another. To give the game its due, it goes pretty in depth in it's field. You have to consider routes for workers travelling to their place of employment, tourists to entertainment spots, etc, and there's a good amount of economical management which is a staple of these type...