31) E is for... Endless Legend

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library. The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order. I'm back on the Steam Challenge boat, and maybe this year I'll finally get done? Who am I kidding. I think I bought more games in the Steam sale at Christmas than I blogged about last year. Anyway, onwards with Endless Legend. Made in 2014, I believe that there are a few 'Endless' games, all different genres set in the same world (which is a neat and underused concept). Being a 4X game, the plot is 'your faction is the strongest / most charismatic / most intelligent, so colonize this world', but this one is framed by an intro which is told from the perspective of the planet itself. This intro was supposed to be majestic, but instead made me feel big guilt about Earth's climate change... The game itself plays a lot like Civilization, just with lots more complexity. The tech tree is more of a tech pie...