11) B is for... (The) Bridge

The challenge: To play through each of the games on my Steam library. The rules: I have to play at least 1 hour of each game, in alphabetical order. I've no idea where this game came from. It's on my Steam library, and it looks like a friend or two has played it, but I do not remember buying it. Presumably it was in a Humble Bundle or similar I bought at some point in the past. So, I didn't know what kind of game The Bridge would be. My guess was an endless runner. Turns out it's another puzzler - strikingly similar to Braid. It's not really a clone, but definitely of the same ilk - soothing music, a distinct yet simple art style, and a kind of off-looking protagonist. You play as Sketchy McMathsman, a drawing who lives in a world of optical illusions, angry balls, and vortexes of doom. OK, I made the protag's name up as the game doesn't really give you much in the way of story - in fact it gives you even less than Braid. I managed to beat the fir...